Journal Articles
** indicates TRTL trainee author
In Press
Himes, Victor, Schmidt, & Littlefield (in press). Anxiety and depression in young adults: The role of perceived romantic partner drinking. Personal Relationships.
Brown, Chen, Hernandez Valencia, Victor, & Scott (2024). A prospective examination of sexual orientation and suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors among a diverse sample of at-risk young adult women. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
**Christensen, Victor, Littlefield, & Mitchell (2024). A comparison of retrospectively reported and ecological momentary assessment-reported perceived social support in predicting ecological momentary assessment-reported non-suicidal self-injury. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior.
Gissandaner, Littlefield, Schmidt, Victor, Kim, Morrow, & Borrego Jr. (2024). Caregiver adverse childhood experiences and preschool externalizing problems: The role of factors that contribute to caregiver resilience. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Morris, Keen, White, Ingram, Mitchell, & Victor (2024). Determining the MMPI-3 SUI scale’s cross-sectional and prospective utility in suicide risk assessment. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Devendorf, Victor, Rottenberg, Miller, Lewis, Muehlenkamp, & Stage (2023). Stigmatizing our own: Self-relevant research is common but frowned upon in clinical psychological science. Clinical Psychological Science.
Gette, Littlefield, Victor, Schmidt, & Garos (2023). Evaluation of the daily sessions, frequency, age of onset, and quantity of cannabis use questionnaire and its relations to cannabis-related problems. Cannabis.
**Hoelscher, Victor, Trieu, & Edmiston (2023). Gender minority resilience and suicidal ideation: A longitudinal and daily examination of transgender and non-binary adults. The Behavior Therapist.
Kaufman, Meddaoui, **Seymour, & Victor (2022). The roles of minority stress and thwarted belongingness in suicidal ideation among cisgender and transgender/non-binary LGBTQ+ individuals. Archives of Suicide Research.
Victor, Salk, Porta, Hamilton, Bero, Poling, Brent, & Goldstein (2023). Measurement-based care for suicidal youth: Outcomes and recommendations from the Services for Teens At Risk (STAR) Center. PLOS One.
Victor, Trieu, & Seymour (2023). Associations with LGBTQ+ mental health disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology & Sexuality.
Masland, Victor, Peters, Fitzpatrick, Dixon-Gordon, Bettis, Navarre, & Rizvi (2022). Destigmatizing borderline personality disorder: A call to action for psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Morris, Ingram, Mitchell, & Victor (2022). Screening utility of the PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 for depression in college students: Relationships with substantive scales of the MMPI-3. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development.
Victor, **Christensen, Johnson, Van Allen, & Brick (2022). Dynamic Regulatory Processes in the Transition From Suicidal Ideation to Action in Adults Leaving Inpatient Psychiatric Care: Protocol for an Intensive Longitudinal Study. JMIR research protocols, 11(6), e38582.
Victor, Devendorf, Lewis, Rottenberg, Muehlenkamp, Stage, & Miller (2022). Only human: Mental-health difficulties among clinical, counseling, and school psychology faculty and trainees. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Victor, Lewis, & Muehlenkamp (2022). Psychologists with lived experience of non-suicidal self-injury: Priorities, obstacles, and recommendations for inclusion. Psychological Services.
Victor, Schleider, Ammerman, Bradford, Devendorf, Gruber, Gunaydin, Hallion, Kaufman, Lewis, & Stage (2022). Leveraging the Strengths of Psychologists with Lived Experience of Psychopathology. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Victor, Brown, & Scott (2021). Prospective and concurrent affective dynamics in self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: An examination in young adult women. Behavior Therapy.
Kaufman, Victor, Hipwell, & Stepp (2020). Reciprocal influences of parent-adolescent borderline personality symptoms over three years. Journal of Personality Disorders.
Vine, Victor, Mohr, Byrd, & Stepp (2020). Adolescent suicide risk and experiences of dissociation in daily life. Psychiatry Research.
Scott, Victor, Kaufman, Beeney, Byrd, Vine, Pilkonis, & Stepp (2020). Affective dynamics across internalizing and externalizing dimensions of psychopathology. Clinical Psychological Science.
Klonsky, Victor, Hibbert, & Hajcak (2019). The Multidimensional Emotion Questionnaire (MEQ): Rationale and Initial Psychometric Properties. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
Victor, Hipwell, Stepp, & Scott (2019). Parent and peer relationships as longitudinal predictors of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury onset. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health.
Victor, Scott, Stepp, & Goldstein (2019). I want you to want me: Interpersonal stress and affective experiences as within-person predictors of nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide urges in daily life. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior.
May & Victor (2018). From ideation to action: Recent advances in understanding suicide capability. Current Opinion in Psychology.
Victor & Klonsky (2018). Understanding the social context of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Victor, Muehlenkamp, Hayes, Lengel, Styer, & Washburn (2018). Characterizing gender differences in nonsuicidal self-injury: Evidence from a large clinical sample of adolescents and adults. Comprehensive Psychiatry.
Victor (2017). You can’t know if you don’t ask: How to assess nonsuicidal self-injury. Visions: BC's Mental Health and Addictions Journal.
Victor, Davis, & Klonsky (2017). Descriptive characteristics and initial psychometric properties of the Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Disorder Scale. Archives of Suicide Research. Measure and Scoring
Chu, Victor, & Klonsky (2016). Characterizing positive and negative emotional experiences in young adults with Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Victor & Klonsky (2016). Validation of a brief version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS-18) in five samples. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. Scoring Templates
Victor, Styer, & Washburn (2016). Functions of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI): Cross-sectional associations with NSSI duration and longitudinal changes over time and following treatment. Psychiatry Research.
2015 and Earlier
Victor, Styer, & Washburn (2015). Characteristics of nonsuicidal self-injury associated with suicidal ideation: Evidence from a clinical sample of youth. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health.
Klonsky, Victor, & Saffer (2014). Nonsuicidal self-injury: What we know, and what we need to know. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Victor & Klonsky (2014). Correlates of suicide attempts among self-injurers: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review.
Victor & Klonsky (2014). Daily emotion in non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Victor, Glenn, & Klonsky (2012). Is non-suicidal self-injury an “addiction”? A comparison of craving in substance use and non-suicidal self-injury. Psychiatry Research.
Victor, Johnson, & Gotlib (2011). Quality of Life and Impulsivity in Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorders.
Selected Conference Presentations
**Abu-Samaha & Victor (2024). Comparing functions of suicidal ideation and nonsuicidal self-injury in an acute inpatient and nationwide sample. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Suicide Research Symposium (SRS).
**Bianco, **Hoelscher, **Christensen, & Victor (2024). The effect of wording changes in repeated measure items assessing non-suicidal self-injury. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of SRS.
**Bianco & Victor (2024). The Affective Consequences of Resisting NSSI Urges among Young Adults: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS).
**Bianco & Victor (2024). The Impact of Lifetime Self-Harm Engagement on Help-Seeking Attitudes and Perceived Barriers Among Undergraduate Students. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of ISSS.
**Christensen, **Luce, & Victor (2024). Characterizing suicide-related coping in three samples of adults with suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of SRS.
**Christensen & Victor (2024). Experiences of discrimination and exclusion related to non-suicidal self-injury. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science (APS).
**Christensen & Victor (2024). Improving brief assessment of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in youth: An engaged, stakeholder-informed approach to measure development, testing, and implementation. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of APS.
**Hoelscher, **Bianco, **Christensen, & Victor (2024). Accuracy of suicide attempt reporting on EMA responses in a recently discharged psychiatric inpatient sample. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of SRS.
**Hoelscher & Victor (2024). Affective dynamics as a window in to NSSI risk in a post-discharge psychiatric sample. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of ISSS.
Kleiman, Joe, Victor, Rizvi, & Klonsky (2024). Panelist for the panel discussion, “Rant, Rave, and Reimagine: Learning from the past and to inform the future” for the annual meeting of SRS.
**Olivas, **Hoelscher, & Victor (2024). Exposure to Suicide Death as a predictor of NSSI Behavior Frequency. Poster presentation at the Texas Tech Undergraduate Research Conference (URC).
Victor (2024). Psychologist Mental Health. Clinical Psychology Program, UT Southwestern School of Medicine.
Victor (2024). Self-Injury, Suicide, Stigma, and (Minority) Stress: Innovative Approaches to Understanding Mental Health and Illness in Diverse Groups. Center for Health Outcomes and Interdisciplinary Research (CHOIR), Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School.
Victor (2024). What do you know about it? Experiences of mental illness in clinical psychology research and practice. Invited Colloquium, University of Massachusetts – Amherst Clinical Psychology Program.
Victor (2024). Who’s research is it anyway? Lived experience, disability, and self-relevant research in psychology. Clinical Lunch and Learn Presentation, Auburn University.
**Abu-Samaha, **Bianco, & Victor (2023). Categories of suicide exposure: Relation to suicide outness in self-injurious young adults. Poster presentation at the SRS meeting.
**Abu-Samaha & Victor (2023). Analyzing negative life experiences of individuals meeting nonsuicidal self-injury disorder criteria. Poster presentation at the Southwest Psychological Association meeting.
**Bianco & Victor (2023). Differences in affective dynamic experiences: NSSI urges vs. NSSI behavior. Poster presentation at the ISSS meeting.
**Bianco, Victor, **Barber, & **Childers (2023). Analyzing the affect regulation hypothesis among self-injurers: What happens when urges to self-injure are resisted? Poster presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) meeting.
**Christensen, **Bianco, & Victor (2023). Wording, timing, rating: How EMA methodological choices impact observed data patterns in suicide and self-injury research. Paper presentation at the Society for Ambulatory Assessment (SAA) meeting.
**Christensen & Victor (2023). Comparing the concurrent and predictive validity of single- and double-item measures in ecological momentary assessment. Paper presentation at the SAA meeting.
**Christensen & Victor (2023). Psychometric properties of the Suicide-Related Coping Scale. Poster presentation at the ABCT meeting.
**Christensen & Victor (2023). Suicide risk after psychiatric hospitalization: Data from west Texas. Invited presentation at the West Texas Regional Mental Health Conference.​
**Hoelscher, **Bianco, & Victor (2023). Affective dynamics and suicidal ideation in a post-discharge psychiatric sample: An affective science approach to better understanding suicidal ideation. Poster presentation for the Suicide and Self-Injury Special Interest Group at the ABCT meeting.
**Hoelscher, Frietchen, & Victor (2023). Examining emotion differentiation deficits as a proximal predictor for non-suicidal self-injury. Poster presentation at the APS meeting.
**Hoelscher & Victor (2023). Bridging affective and suicide science using ecological momemtary assessment. Paper presentation at the APS meeting.
**Hoelscher & Victor (2023). Interoception, gender appearance congruence, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among transgender and nonbinary people. Poster presentation at the SRS meeting.
**Hoelscher & Victor (2023). Interoceptive awareness in relation to multiple indicators of distress among transgender and nonbinary people: The moderating role of gender appearance congruence and gender-affirming interventions. Paper presentation at the ABCT meeting.
**Hoelscher & Victor (2023). Negative urgency as a longitudinal proximal predictor of suicidal ideation and NSSI. Poster presentation at the ISSS meeting.
**Hoelscher, Victor, Trieu, & Edmiston (2023). Gender minority resilience and suicidal ideation: A longitudinal and momentary examination of transgender and gender diverse adults. Paper presentation at the Big 12 LGBTQIA & Allies Summit.
**McClay & Victor (2023). Measuring the effect of NSSI urge disclosure via ecological momentary assessment. Poster presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Micanovic, Vine, **Seymour, & Victor (2023). The structure of distress: understanding the relationships between depression, anxiety, and stress in trans and non-binary individuals. Poster presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Micanovic, Vine, **Seymour, & Victor (2023). Under the same umbrella: Differences in depression, anxiety, and stress experiences between sexual and gender minority groups. Paper presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Robillard, Claes, Victor, Myin-Germeys, & Kiekens (2023). Self-criticism as a real-time predictor of NSSI urges and behaviors among treatment-seeking individuals. Paper presentation at the ISSS meeting.
Sparks, **Christensen, Cary, Victor, Mitchell, & Brown (2023). Confirmatory factor analyses of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire Revised 15- Item: An examination of the role of item sequences. Poster presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Victor (2023). From a culture of silence toward a culture of inclusion: Destigmatizing mental illness among mental health providers, researchers, and trainees. Invited keynote address at the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies meeting.
Victor (2023). Professor, Provider, Patient, Partner: Personal and Professional Reflections on Advocacy and Engaged Scholarship. Invited opening speaker at the Psych for Peace and Justice Online Conference.
Victor, Devendorf, & Schmidt (2023). Disability among applied psychology faculty and trainees: Correlates and related outcomes. Paper presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Victor & Edmiston (2023). Ecological momentary assessment of gender-relevant versus other interpersonal stressors predicting self-injurious thoughts and behaviors among transgender and non-binary adults. Paper presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Victor, **Hoelscher, Sandel-Fernandez, Trieu, & Edmiston (2023). Interpersonal and intrapersonal gender minority stressors as contributors to suicidal ideation among transgender and non-binary adults. Paper presentation at the SRS meeting.
Victor, **McClay, Trieu, & **Christensen (2023). Time and time again: Predicting NSSI using event versus signal contingent methods in ecological momentary assessment. Paper presentation at the ISSS meeting.
Victor & Schmidt (2023). Training in mental health care: Disabled psychologists talk mentoring disabled trainees. Invited presentation at the Stanford Medicine Alliance for Disability Inclusion and Equity meeting.
Victor & **Seymour (2023). Interpersonal theory constructs as mediators between outness and suicidal ideation among LGBTQ+ adults. Paper presentation at the SRS meeting.
Vine, Byrd, Vanwoerden, Victor, Jennings, & Stepp (2023). Suicidal thoughts and behaviors and youths’ multimodal emotion responses during parent-child interactions. Paper presentation at the ABCT meeting.​
**Bianco, & Victor (2022). Lifetime “Outness” of Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors in Relation to Specific Disclosure Events Reported During Ecological Momentary Assessment. Poster presentation at the ISSS meeting.
**Christensen & Victor (2022). A Comparison of Retrospectively Reported and EMA-Reported Perceived Social Support in Predicting EMA-Reported Non-Suicidal Self-Injury. Poster presentation at the ISSS meeting.
Meddaoui, **Seymour, Victor, & Kaufman (2022). Minority stress, thwarted belongingness, and suicidal ideation among individuals with intersecting gender and sexual minority identities. Poster presentation at the ABCT meeting.
**Goza, **Bianco, & Victor (2022). Social factors and non-suicidal self-injury urges in transgender and gender diverse adults. Poster presentation at the TTU URC.
**Luce, **Christensen, & Victor (2022). Suicide-Related Coping in Trans and Gender Diverse Adults. Poster presentation at the TTU URC.
**McClay & Victor (2022). Help negation for suicidal ideation among young adults engaging in NSSI: Testing concurrent and prospective associations over time. Paper presentation at the ISSS meeting.
**Morin, **McClay, & Victor (2022). Race/ethnicity and expectations about mental healthcare. Poster presentation at the TTU URC.
**Mumma, **Christensen, & Victor (2022). Does outness associate with depression and anxiety in minoritized sexual orientations? Poster presentation at the TTU URC.
**Mumma & Victor (2022). The role of outness in relation to mental health for minoritized sexual orientations. Poster presentation at the Building The Next Generation of Academic Physicians 2022 LGBT Health Workforce Conference.
Victor (2022). Gender minority stress and resilience as prospective and concurrent indicators of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors among transgender and non-binary adults. Paper presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Victor (2022). Whose experiences are they, anyway? Characterizing psychology faculty and trainees with lived experience of psychopathology. Invited paper presentation at the Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP) meeting.
Vine, Byrd, **Trieu, Vanwoerden, Victor, Jennings, & Stepp (2022). Young adolescents’ multimodal affective responses to interactions with parents as predictors of elevated suicide risk. Paper presentation at the SRS meeting.
**Christensen & Victor (2021). Internalized stigma and NSSI assessment in daily life: NSSI stigma, urges, behaviors, and compliance with an ecological momentary assessment protocol. Poster presentation at the ISSS meeting.
**Goza, **Trieu, & Victor (2021). Social Factors and Non-Suicidal Self Injury Urges. Poster presentation at the TTU URC.
Kruzan, Meyerhoff, Silva, Fox, Czyz, Victor (Discussant) (2021). Designing digital mental health interventions for suicide and self-injurious thoughts and behavior: Incorporating multiple stakeholder perspectives, including lived experience. Symposium at the ABCT meeting.
**Luce, **Christensen, & Victor (2021). The Association Between Sleep Disturbances and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Young Adults. Poster presentation at the APS meeting.
**Luce, **Christensen, & Victor (2021). The Association Between Sleep Disturbances and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Young Adults. Poster presentation at the TTU URC.
**Richardson, Mills, Mitchell, & Victor (2021). Risk for addiction moderates the association between emotion-based impulsivity and suicidal ideation among adults. Poster presentation at the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) meeting.
**Trieu & Victor (2021). Burning and Versatility of NSSI Methods Are Associated with Lifetime Suicide Attempts. Poster presentation at the ISSS meeting.
Victor (2021). A Day in the Life: Real-World Research & Advocacy on the Experiences of NSSI. Invited Rising Star Keynote at the ISSS meeting.
Victor (2021). Better together? Perceived and desired social support and suicidal ideation in daily life. Paper presentation at the AAS meeting.
Victor (2021). The Role of Perceived Social Support in NSSI Urges and Behaviors in the Daily Lives of Young Adults. Paper presentation at the ISSS meeting.
Victor, Mitchell, & Ingram (2021). Depression, self-criticism, and nonsuicidal self-injury: A prospective investigation in young adults. Paper presentation at the AAS meeting.​
Klonsky (panelist), Muehlenkamp (panelist), Stage (panelist), Stohlmann-Rainey (panelist), Victor (moderator) (2020). Bridging the Lived Experience and Research Worlds: A Panel Discussion. Panel presentation at the AAS meeting.
**McClay, Victor, Brausch (2020). Fearlessness about Death: Measurement Invariance Across College Students with and without a History of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury. Poster presentation at the AAS meeting.
**McClay, Victor, & Klonsky (2020). The relation between depressogenic attributional style and nonsuicidal self-injury. Poster presentation at the ISSS meeting.
**Richardson, Victor, & Ingram (2020). The relationship between disclosure of suicidality and suicide attempt history among young adults. Poster presentation to the Suicide and Self-Injury Special Interest Group (SIG) at the ABCT meeting.
**Richardson, Victor, & Ingram (2020). The relationship between perceived stigma and disclosure of suicidality in young adults. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Stigma.
Victor (2020). Addressing equity, diversity, and inclusion in suicide prevention as an early career suicidologist. Invited oral presentation at the AAS meeting.
Victor, Ingram, Mitchell, Morris, Golden (2020). Stigma of suicide attempt (STOSA) scale: Validation and examination in relation to lived experience of suicide and suicide-related disclosures in a diverse sample of young adults. Paper presentation at the AAS meeting.
Ammerman, Brausch, Muehlenkamp, & Victor (2019). Clarifying the NSSI-suicide connection. Panel presentation at the AAS meeting.
Baer (panelist), Lear (panelist), Rabasco (panelist), Spitzen (panelist), Victor (moderator) (2019). Repeated measures designs in risk for self-injurious thoughts and behaviors. Panel presentation at the AAS meeting.
Victor, & Scott (2019). Disentangling affective dynamics in daily life: Their role in understanding past, concurrent, and future suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Paper presentation at the IASR/AFSP International Summit on Suicide Research.
Victor, & Scott (2019). More than just the means: Daily life emotional variability and stability in relation to past, concurrent, and future NSSI urges and behaviors. Paper presentation at the ISSS meeting.
Victor & Scott (2019). Personality disorder symptoms and within-person dynamics of self-injury and suicide. Paper presentation (symposium chair) at the NASSPD meeting.
2018 and Earlier
Victor (moderator), Goldstein, May, Muehlenkamp, Turner (2018). Bridging the Gap: Lessons Learned in Connecting Suicide Research and Clinical Practice. Panel presentation at the AAS meeting.
Victor & Scott (2018). Smoke, drink, self-injure? A within-person analysis of NSSI, cannabis, and alcohol use in daily life. Paper presentation at the ISSS meeting.
Victor & Scott (2018). What’s so special about self-harm? Identifying shared and unique within-person predictors of suicidal ideation, NSSI urges, and substance use. Paper presentation (symposium chair) at the ABCT meeting.
Victor & Stepp (2018). Intergenerational Transmission of Risk: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms and Suicidality in Parents and Children. Paper presentation at the AAS meeting.
Victor (moderator), Bentley (moderator), panelists: Nock, Prinstein, Rosenthal, Lavender, & Baucom (2017). If I knew then what I know now: Best practices in ambulatory assessment of high-risk populations. Panel presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Victor, Scott, & Stepp (2017). Socioeconomic status and SITB: Exploring an understudied relationship. Paper presentation at the ISSS meeting.
Victor & Klonsky (2015). Situation, Attention, Appraisal, Response: A laboratory investigation of emotional processing in non-suicidal self-injury using the modal model of emotion. Paper presentation (symposium chair) at the ABCT meeting.
Victor & Klonsky (2015). Experience, cognition, and affect: Investigating self-injurious behaviors through the modal model of emotion. Invited paper presentation at the Military Suicide Research Consortium Pre-Conference Training Day at the AAS meeting.
Victor, Glenn, Feske, & Klonsky (2014). Characteristics of non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempts: Findings from six samples. Paper presentation at the AAS meeting.
Victor & Klonsky (2013). Risk factors for suicide attempts among self-injurers. Paper presentation at the ISSS meeting.
Victor & Klonsky (2012). Who chooses self-injury: Beyond high negative emotionality. Paper presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Victor, Glenn, & Klonsky (2011). Men who self-injure: An understudied population. Paper presentation at the ABCT meeting.
Victor & Klonsky (2011). Predictors of suicidality among adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury. Paper presentation at the AAS meeting.